1. General Instruction: In the Stance your feet should be slightly wider then your shoulders. Your weight should be distributed evenly and in the middle of your body. Your head should be rotated looking at the pitcher and your knees slightly flexed. Your hands should be gripping the bat with your middle knuckles aligned and brought up to ear height and held directly above your back shoulder.
2. Shoulder Girdle: While in the Stance the left shoulder girdle will Abduct (protract), while the right shoulder girdle Adducts (retracts) using the middle/lower fiber of the trapizius and rhomboids to support the bat and elevate it to the proper height.
3. Shoulder Joint: The left shoulder joint is slightly medially rotated (subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major, anterior fibers of deltoid)
5.Hip girdle: Pelvic girdle is slightly tilted anteriorly (Rectus Femoris & Psoas).
6. Knee Joint: Both the right and left knee are flexed.(Semitendinosus, Semi-membranosus and biceps femoris) The legs are concentrically loaded 3/4 into a squat. Both the Hamstrings (Semitendinosus, Semi-membranosus and biceps femoris) and the Quads group- (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris) are concentrically loaded.
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